Home Insurance For most people, buying a home will probably be the largest financial investment you will ever make. Any home, no matter how well-built, is vulnerable to fire, water, theft and other disasters. Home insurance is there to protect you from having to pay out a huge amount at once, often at the very worst time emotionally. Could you possibly afford to replace absolutely everything you own? Even as a tenant, you may have more to lose than you expect. Tenants' insurance not only covers your personal belongings, it can protect you from financial loss due to your actions as well. If you don’t have insurance and you accidently cause damage to your rented apartment or house (for example, leaving the bathroom tap running), you can be held liable for the cost to repair any resulting damage. If you are like most people, you will probably never need to submit an insurance claim. Home (or tenant) insurance is peace of mind that you really shouldn’t live without. Get a quote